- English
Innovation Factory
Companies in the growth phase can find office space, production modules, and equipped laboratories in the Progetto Manifattura complex. These modular structures are ready for use with few adaptations. Along with the space, companies can benefit from a program designed to accelerate and consolidate growth, provide targeted services, help in accessing public funding for equipment, as well as opportunities to the Province of Trento’s innovation system.
The tangible benefit to the entrepreneur is, above all, the opportunity to concentrate his or her energy and resources on product quality, market penetration, and consolidation of a solid, effective business strategy, potentially through new investments in technology and innovation.
Companies that join the Innovation Factory program get a services contract of variable duration that foresees the potential for government subsidies. The monthly contract terms are:
- 8,50 Euros per square meter for office space.
- 5,50 Euros per square meter for production modules.
To access the program, companies need to establish their headquarters in the Province of Trento and operate in the following sectors: green building, renewable energy and technologies for monitoring the environment and managing natural resources.
Companies interested in joining the program need to present a business plan using the template provided. Progetto Manifattura can provide assistance with completing the forms.
Progetto Manifattura responds to requests to join the Innovation Factory in 30 to 40 days from the date that the complete business plan is presented.