- Italiano
- English
Zigherane, a word in local dialect that denotes the women who hand-rolled cigars.
Finished in 1854, this was the first building of the complex. As the place where all production took place originally, it is an icon of local industry and history.
Today the building is the object of a remodeling project whose final design is under the guidance of the Spanish architect Ignacio Linazasoro and whose preliminary design was performed by Trentino architect Fabrizio Capuzzo.
When complete, more the project will provide than 10,000 square meters of office space that will combine historic feel with a modern work environment that promodes collaboration and innovation.
Current use
When production of cigarettes stopped in 2008, the Zigherane building went into disuse. In 2010 light remodelling was made in 2,500 sqaure meters of the west wing. This space is currently used to host the offices of Progetto Manifattura, Habitech, Green Building Council Italia, and Cosbi. As of late 2012, 300 square meters were being used for the "Green House", a company incubation zone. There are currently 19 companies at work.